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Protect customer data and minimize CISO and Board liability

Ditch the static workarounds and start a formal risk program in minutes. TrustRegister helps you programmatically monitor and forecast risks, align your board with crystal-clear reports, and ensure your customer and contract obligations are met.

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TrustRegister - Programmatically monitor risks
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Programmatic risk management for your entire business

Stop the static program, upgrade to enterprise-wide programmatic risk assessments

Static updates to a spreadsheet or software won’t help you stay ahead of risks. You need to understand and measure the level of risk across your entire business in real-time. TrustRegister continuously scans your business to test and measure your level of risk based on the status of your controls and treatment plans. Now you can proactively identify gaps and make informed decisions to safeguard every inch of your business.

Manage risks not emails and spreadsheets
Equip your team

Share ownership and accountability with your team

Risk management isn’t solely a CISO’s concern—it’s a shared responsibility. With TrustRegister, there’s no need to juggle project management. Assign your risk owners and watch as tasks are seamlessly prioritized, distributed, and tracked across your team. Your team stays informed and engaged, knowing exactly what to tackle next, without the wait for direction. Enjoy a smooth, collaborative approach to managing risk.

Crush the silos, create a gold-standard for risk management across your business

Every aspect of your business faces risks, from GRC to sales, marketing, and finance. With TrustRegister you can easily establish a cohesive, business-wide approach to tracking, reporting on, and measuring those risks. Avoid the pitfalls of silos, curb liabilities, and ensure every team is aligned and informed. As your business scales, keep your teams in sync to minimize liability and safeguard your customer data.

Reduce liability as you scale
Assess impact and align stakeholders

Translate risk to business impact to quickly get your Board on board

Your board doesn’t want technical metrics. They’re after the dollars and cents behind your risks. TrustRegister’s board of director and management dashboards help you articulate risks in terms that resonate so you can request budget, communicate liability, and justify spend with confidence. TrustRegister helps bridge the gap between the CISO and the board, so you get the resources to protect your business and reduce liability.

Keep on Learning

Check out these resources curated just for you

Pro tip | TrustCloud

Common risk management mistakes

Help your company avoid icebergs at all costs

What auditors look for in your risk management process

See what the experts at Dansa D’Arata Soucia have to say
Trusty | TrustCloud Audit Readiness Software

Tired of tracking risks in a spreadsheet?

We can show you how to create an enterprise-wide risk management program that clearly shows your boss (and your Board) what risks need to be addressed and how you’re protecting them from liability